Initial consultation

The relationship between you and I, is the most important aspect of our work together. To enable us both to determine whether we could work together, I offer an initial session, in which we can discuss what has brought you here and whether you and I both feel that we are a good fit. This is free of charge.


  • All sessions are in person, generally at the same time each week.

  • Sessions are £50 for 50mins and are invoiced monthly, or by agreement.

  • At present, I can only offer reduced rates to clients who have worked with me in third sector counselling spaces.

  • A list of reduced rate or low cost counselling in Edinburgh can be found here.


I aim to give you two week’s notice of my holidays or absences, unless this cannot be avoided. Please let me know of your holidays in advance and, where possible, within 48hrs. Where sessions are cancelled regularly, or you do not attend, without notice, I reserve the right to charge, or to end treatment, but this always something we can discuss.


Endings can be very difficult, but ending openly and reflectively can be very healing. Ideally, we would plan our ending together and give ourselves time to reflect on the work done and the way ahead. If you are experiencing difficulties in the process, whether these are emotional, or financial, please discuss these with me, as often these difficulties can be worked through.

At all times, you reserve the right to end anytime, without explanation.